Friday, February 27, 2015

Don't Rush Shaving Armpit Hairs!

Any time the women are busy removing unwanted hairs. However Miley Cyrus abruptly let ketiaknya not sheared. Experts say the fact the feathers on the body have the benefit to our health.

"Hair anywhere on our bodies is important to maintaining healthy skin," explained Professor of Biology from the University of Bradford, Des Tobin. "Each hair follicle is rich in stem cells that never loses its capacity to renew themselves, which helps the skin to heal," he added.

"Compare cuts outside of the arm where the hair follicle is larger and much, with wounds in the arm. Wounds outside arm would recover faster because of the many stem cells and blood supply, among other things, "said Tobin.

Similarly, the bald head is less able to heal wounds and bruises over the head with the hair follicle due to shortage of healthy. As we grow older, the hair follicle shrinks. The hair loss may still have the stem cell, but the recovery capacity is reduced.

The good news, removing feathers with waxing and shaving doesn't reduce the healing benefits of this because the hair follicles are not to be disturbed.

The feathers on the body also protect the body from sunlight. "In primeval feather function similar to clothes to warm and protects the body from the Sun," says dermatologists from Cranley Clinic in London, Nick Lowe.

The hair in the skin also serves to deter the heat out of the body. "We know the bald heads lose more heat. When we are cold, the hair also keeps the body warm, "said Tobin.

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