Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite You?

Have you ever felt more frequently bitten by mosquitoes than others? It may be caused by genes. Previous research has suggested, the aroma of the body during this time influenced the mosquitoes drawn to the bite. However, in a study from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the decisive factor was the gene mosquitoes attracted to bite a human body or not.

This is evidenced by the research involved 18 women's pairs of identical twins and 19 pairs of women who are not identical twins. The hands of the respondent were then put in a tube shaped like a Y that has filled 20 mosquitoes. As a result, there is a similarity of lure that mosquitoes bite a pair of identical twins. Whereas, on a partner who is not an identical twin mosquito attraction is different. This shows, on the same gene, the number of mosquitoes that bite is also the same.

"It shows that the properties attractive or unattractive to mosquitos are controlled by genetic," said researcher as reported in the journal PLoS ONE. This research is still early stages and will be examined further. Ilmuawan hope this can make research experts create something that can protect the human body from mosquito bites. To avoid mosquitoes, as long as this man is usually slathered lotion antinyamuk on their skin. Mosquito bites do not just give rise to red spots on the skin and itchiness. Through mosquito bites, people can be exposed to malaria, dengue fever, and Chikungunya. The disease can be deadly if not quickly treated.

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