Wednesday, January 21, 2015

4 Food and Drink to Overcome Low Blood Pressure

The main cause of the low blood pressure or anemia is a blood shortage. This happens when you lack of folic asid and Vitamin B12 which is the main material for producing your blood cells. To resolve it, you should consume some foods and beverages that are suggested by the

1. Cereal
Experts agree that to cope with low blood pressure, you should consume the cereal fortified with nutrients. This is because these foods can meet the needs of Vitamin B12 for you completely. In addition to these foods, you can also get Vitamin B12 from the liver of chicken, cheese, milk and yogurt. Whereas to get extra folic acid, can you eat avocado, chicken liver, broccoli and spinach.

2. Water
Another thing that causes low blood pressure is dehydration. Thus, powerful ways to deal with it naturally is to drink plenty of plain water. By drinking enough water, you're not alone prevent dehydration but also increase the volume of blood in the body so your blood pressure will also increase.

Another way to increase your blood pressure is by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and then stir. Drink this every day so that the levels of salt in your blood increases so that your blood pressure also increases. But in doing this, it is better you always consult in advance with the doctor You trust.

3. Caffeinated drinks
If you want to improve your blood pressure, drink beverages that contain caffeine. You can drink it when you're having lunch or maybe afternoon. However, because caffeine can trigger some other health problems, it's good you continue to consult a doctor forthis.

4. Suplement drinks
For example such as Gatorade or Powerade. If you want to raise your blood pressure, you can drink them. The drinks contain quite a bit of sodium that helps you increase your blood pressure. So from now on you can start putting it into Your food menu.

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