Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Types Of Sports That Are Recommended For Children

Sufficient and regular exercise is not necessary only for adults, but also children. Lack of physical activity can make children prone to obesity that trigger a variety of ailments. "It's been proven that sports activities conducted while still children can reduce the risk of diseases such as obesity, heart disease, or diabetes in the future," said Dr. Sophia Hage, resident specialist in sports workshop ' pattern of activity and Balanced Nutrition to grow Hibiscus Optimal Child ' in Jakarta, Thursday (23/4/15).

Other benefits of sports for children, among others, strengthen the capacity of the heart, lungs, and muscles, so that any children are healthy, grow tall and fit, even the enhance intelligence. Sophia recommends children ages 5 to 12 years for doing physical activity every day with the amount of time a total of at least 60 minutes in order to get maximum health benefits.

Types of sporting activities that are undertaken should be varied. "The type do not just aerobics alone, but also add strength training muscle," he said. Aerobic exercise includes jogging, swimming, and gymnastics. To exercise muscle strength, the child could be invited to play bar, tug of war, hula hoop, sit up, or push ups. "Sit ups and push ups can be done, however, without the burden of children for children. The weight is on the knees instead of feet, "he said.

Then sports games like basketball, volleyball, soccer, and badminton are also recommended. "Sports games are better done by children because they are menyenanginya, then there is the element of competition, Social Affairs, and the game. Certainly from this game they can sport sports aerobics as well as train your muscle strength, so the sport that can cover a number of aspects at the same time it's very good, "says Sophia. If you want to do a sport which aims at optimizing the density and strength of bones of children are advised to do exercises that lift the burden of the body itself, such as skipping or running.

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