Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Learn about the 6 Libido Killers Rarely Realized

Sometimes sex can happen just like in the movies: you shut the door, unbuttoned shirt with haste, and a few minutes later was up to climax with the sound of a moan that could probably be heard neighbors. But, more frequent sex does not run smooth. The daily routine is the biggest killer of libido. Children who were not their energy runs out into the night, the stress of thinking of an unfinished Office tasks, and much more. 

One thing you need to know, the little things are in fact normal. "You could even change it so it is positive, so that more creative in bed for back lit the passion," said Megan Fleming, a sexual therapist. Here are a few things that often make the sexual excitement vanishes.


We often expect sex can relieve tension in your partner's mind, but rather to avoid them because of the stress has been putting out his passion. All you have to do is make time for each other for being a good listener. Make a fun hobby can also help reduce stress.

Sexual intercourse in a hurry could make a woman quite uncomfortable due to pain during penetration. This happens due to lack of stimulation so that the vagina is dry. Another pain cause is infection. You can menyiasatinya by doing longer foreplay or use lubrication.

The physical and emotional changes experienced by pregnant women often brought a change in sexual desire. In early trimester sex is usually low, especially if the previously have a history of miscarriage or bleeding. But usually on a trimester two sexual arousal back to normal, even more passionate.

The difficult child separation from the father or mother from morning until night could make a parent fatigue. Often when the kids are asleep, your energy is up so dull to do anything else besides sleep.

Mostly alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with the nervous system so you will be hard to achieve orgasm.

The shag style it-that's it, easy dihapal even his costume can make you sick. Refresh your love life with a more creative look for style fuck session or warm-up.

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