Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sweat is Not the Indicator of the Intensity of Physical Activity

The body sweats so naturally happens when we do activities that use the energy or the influence of air temperature. But not a few who consider physical activity indicates discharge of sweat is already quite high. Though sweat is not an appropriate indicator to measure the intensity of physical activity of adults as well as children.

"Sweat is very dependent on the physiological, metabolic rate, and other factors are different, as well as influenced by air temperature. There response was more sensitive to temperature than others so it's easy to sweat, "Frank Dr. Sophia Hage, resident specialist in sports workshop ' pattern of activity and Balanced Nutrition to grow Hibiscus Optimal Child ' by the Frisian Flag Indonesia in Jakarta, Thursday (23/4/15). She explains, when the kids doing activities and room temperatures are the same, each child could simply issue a different amount of sweat. Thus the actual objective benchmarks to determine the intensity of physical activity i.e. by checking the pulse.

It is not easy to check the levels of physical activity performed children because they haven't been able to check the pulse of nadinya. According to Sophia, the easiest way is to do a test talk (talk test). "When you can still speak and sing without gasping for breath while doing some physical activity, intensitasnya belongs to light. When using the activity scale from 0-10, it is still down 5. For example, walk and bicycle, "she explained.

She continued, if the intensitasnya is, someone could still talk without gasping for breath in one breath but can't sing. This physical activity scale, reaching 5 to 6. For example: jogging or cycling with medium speed. "When it's not able to talk and sing, and it's been heavy panting, intensitasnya. His scale was already 6 upwards, for example the run, "she said. Sophia recommends children ages 5 to 12 years for doing physical activity every day with a minimal amount of time 60 minutes are accumulated in order to gain maximum health benefits.

"For the kids worked each day with moderate to heavy intensity, with a duration of at least 1 hour or for a period of 1 to 2 hours. No matter the type do not just aerobics alone, but also add strength training muscle, "she said.

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